Morgan Jonasson Apps

Shifty Blob 1.1
STORYShifty Blob was created 8th of July, 2015. He got his nameforonly being able to shift direction between "Up" and "Down"(andalso for looking a bit bloby, but whatever). Since his creatorwasa evil man, he was also made with a huge defect. Even though hewaspredicted beforehand to live in a flat world, his eye wasplacedright inside of him, making him totally blind. To makethingsworse, the creator decided to put a lot of holes in his path,or,to be more precise - infinitely many holes.THE GOAL OF THIS GAMEYour goal is to guide him through the path of many holes. Ifyoumissguide him, then he will drop out of his flat world, fallintothe void, and die a tragic death, and nobody wants such acutebloby thing to die that undeservably.CONTROLS:If you don't do anything, then he will bounce between theupperand lower edge until he falls through a hole. He willchangedirection each time you tap the screen. That means that hewill godown if he was going up and you tapped, and vice versa.OPTIONS:You can turn both background music and sound effects on andoffindividually and change the speed between slow, medium andfast.Also there is a button called "Reset EVERYTHING" whichessentiallymeans exactly as it sounds, that the game resets itsuser data toits original, including resetting your record.FEEDBACK:I would be more than happy to receive peoples opinion ofthisgame, provided that commentators and senders of these commentsalsoindicate specific information about what in the game they likeordislike. For example, just saying that "this game sucks"withoutfurther explaination does not contribute to improvement ofthisgame, and thus is ignored by the developer.WARNING:In the Game-Over scene, he falls through a hole andscream,before vanishing into darkness and dying. The scream ifveryrealistic and can cause unconfortable feelings or even fearorhorror among sensitive users.